Chemical Detectives is an app made for undergraduate chemists who have just began their journey in spectroscopy. Combining 13C NMR, 1H NMR, IR and mass spectroscopy, players can practice recognising and assigning functional groups to eventually find out which molecule has been displayed across the spectra.
We found Chemical Detectives adds on to the learning experience for spectroscopy since key knowledge is necessary to solve the puzzles.
Our personal experience of the app was that it was also fun for a short period of time, but it isn't an app you'll keep going back to.
The app itself isn't very appealing since it still has the old school iOS look, meaning it hasn't been updated recently. The colours are very muted and no animations were used.
Chemical Detectives is a 100% free app, so users don't require to pay a fee to get new levels or extra features!
We rate this app 3/5.