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Updated: Mar 17, 2021

ResearchGate is a professional network for scientists and researchers to allow the cooperation between scientists and researchers through the access of publications and the ability to connect to other users.


This app is designed to enable those at undergraduate and postgraduate level to access a database of publications where the pdfs are made available or can be requested, (a necessity for the chemistry student) and to ask questions that other users within the community can answer.


A university login is required to access this application however after stating your university and subject of study, you will be more likely to see papers written by professors and alumni of your university. The more papers you read on a certain subject then become recommended to you making this seem like a very useful application for those writing literature reviews or wanting to read recent developments in a more specific area.


The graphics of the background follow a green and white aesthetic with most pdfs being in the professional black and white format as the case is for most publications.


This app is very easy to use, appears to be quite popular and is completely free to use, with the exception of those without access to a login.


This app is available on **


We rate this app 3.5/5

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